A greenhouse or garden room is an investment that you will enjoy for years to come. ACD® Prestige greenhouses or garden rooms are built to last. Regular maintenance guarantees a perfect condition and endless enjoyment of outdoor living. With these maintenance tips you ensure that your greenhouse remains in perfect condition. Generation after generation.

Discover growing tips for every season, as well as our complete sowing calender!

Don’t forget the small points of attention for the maintenance of your ACD® Prestige greenhouse or garden room, so you can continue to enjoy growing your own vegetables and create the most optimal conditions and your ACD® Prestige greenhouse or garden room will remain in perfect condition!

Spring | March - June

Growing tips

Starting in March, the actual rearing begins. Do not forget to take the possible ground cover away so the soil can warm up.

If the weather is not too bad, go outside with onion sets. shallots but do not sow everything outside yet. There can still be night frost occur. From mid-May there is actually little chance of night frost.

In June, summer is just around the corner. There is a lot work in your garden and in the ACD® Prestige greenhouse because it is the time to plant and harvest. Keep the soil moist don’t forget weeding, thinning carrots and chicory, and tying on tomatoes.


  • Check all nuts and bolts
  • Check all moving parts
  • Check door(s) and door wheels
  • Do tomato hooks hang securely?
  • Place the window opener back on the vent and check that the vent is properly centered in the roof opening

Recommend products

We have a variety of ACD® shelves and tables. On warmer days you should already protect with our ACD® professional shade cloth to prevent burning of crops. Keep the temperature under control with our ACD® automatic window openers and additional ACD® vents.

Summer | July - August

Growing tips

The peak of seeding and planting is a bit over. Is your ACD® Prestige greenhouse well filled and does it almost look like a jungle where you can’t see through? That’s good, but still make sure to provide adequate watering, protection and ventilation on hot days in your ACD® Prestige greenhouse.

Your tomatoes also deserve proper attention and don’t forget to thresh them. Check briefly for aphids. Ants on the plants can often be an indication of aphids. After the big harvest you can start on late crops such as kohlrabi, endive, …

Leaving on vacation? Then weed the weeds and make sure you have enough water.


  • Check the nuts and bolts of your ACD® greenhouse
  • Check all moving parts
  • Close all vents and doors in case of heat storm
  • Check the anchors

Recommend products

You obviously want to harvest in abundance and get in and out of your greenhouse easily. Use our ACD® harvest basket and ACD® aluminium ramps. Ensure adequate watering via our ACD® drip kit. Collect the little rainwater via our ACD® aluminium drain pipes, a practical and beautiful design.

Fall | September - December

Growing tips

Start a new compost pile in advance for the next growing season.

Night frost is certainly possible and try to harvest anything that cannot withstand it. If it snows, feel free to put a thick layer of snow in the greenhouse, it will melt and make your soil ‘healthier’.

You can work it coarsely and cover it with organic material such as hay, straw, fallen leaves or a layer of farmyard manure. Another option is to sow green manures on the patch of land. These insure that the free space will be kept free of weeds and will improve the soil structure.


  • Check the nuts and bolts of your ACD® Prestige greenhouse
  • Check all moving parts
  • Remove and stor automatic window openers
  • If snow, remove it from around the greenhouse, as well as from the roof
  • Check the anchors

Recommend products

Protect with the ACD® bubble wrap in combination with ACD® fixclips to secure it in the profiles of your ACD® Prestige greenhouse. Do not forget our ACD® heating.

Winter | January - February

Growing tips

Get your ACD® Prestige greenhouse ready for the new growing season.

This starts with preparing and cleaning your greenhouse. Remove possible green deposits on the windows and clean them from the inside and outside for optimal light penetration. Before seeding, you should replenish the soil, remove level, remove weeds and water the soil water regularly. Remember not to fertilize afterwards by using compost!

You obviously want to sow as quickly as possible, but make sure the structure of the top layer is nice and fine for better and faster germination – and root formation. Be sure not to forget to open the vent.


  • Clean all windows with clean water
  • Check and lubricate all moving parts
  • If snow, remove it from around the greenhouse, as well as from the roof
  • Check the anchors

Recommend products

Prepare for a flying start to the new growing season. Consider ACD® seed boxes, optimize your space with the various ACD® shelves and tables and don’t forget our wide ACD® screen door for necessary ventilation. Get a head start on the tomato season and think about the ACD® tomato hooks and ACD® tomato spirals now.

Sowing calendar

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